
Blake Edwards' S.O.B. on VHS video. Starring Julie Andrews, William Holden. With Marisa Berenson, Larry Hagman, Robert Loggia, Stuart Margolin, Richard Mulligan, Robert Vaughn, Robert Webber, Shelley Winters, Loretta Swit, Rosanna Arquette. Directed by Blake Edwards. 1981.

Blake Edwards’ S.O.B. on VHS video. Starring Julie Andrews, William Holden. With Marisa Berenson, Larry Hagman, Robert Loggia, Stuart Margolin, Richard Mulligan, Robert Vaughn, Robert Webber, Shelley Winters, Loretta Swit, Rosanna Arquette. Directed by Blake Edwards. 1981.

From the VHS box:

The director who made the panther pink and taught you to count to 10 coins a new term for comedy.

Gobble-gobble! Felix Farmer’s latest film is a colossal turkey — and that sends lots of Hollywood types into action. Agents are called. Lawyers are retained. Press statements are issued. It’s what filmmaker Blake Edwards calls “Standard Operating Bull,” the subject of his gleefully satiric S.O.B.

A long list of notables joins in this convivial sock to Hollywood’s kisser. Julie Andrews is squeaky-clean superstar Sally Miles, married to Felix but living apart in one of their several homes. She’s the key to Felix’s sudden plan to flip his flop into a smash. He wants her to appear topless in a re-shot version of the film.

Sally’s agent says, “No… Maybe… How much?” A medical quack to the stars and a worldly director supply gin as a tonic for frazzled Felix and his equally frazzled press agent. A studio mogul angles for a piece of Felix’s can’t-miss idea. And a hitchhiking waif, studio yes-man and gossipy gadfly provide more tinsel beneath the tinsel.

The dialogue crackles like fat in a fire, the gags range from dead-on deadpan to comedic broadsides, the insights bristle and sting. There’s nothing standard here. S.O.B. is extraordinary.

Buy the DVD: S.O.B.

Or, watch now: S.O.B.

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction VHS cover art. Movie starring John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson. With Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Amanda Plummer, Eric Stoltz, Rosanna Arquette, Ving Rhames, Peter Greene, Christopher Walken, Harvey Keitel, Maria de Medeiros. Directed by Quentin Tarantino. 1994.

Pulp Fiction on VHS. Starring John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson. With Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Amanda Plummer, Eric Stoltz, Rosanna Arquette, Ving Rhames, Peter Greene, Christopher Walken, Harvey Keitel, Maria de Medeiros. Directed by Quentin Tarantino. 1994.

From the box:

Special Academy Edition

Letterbox Version

From imdb (box is Academy Awards Screener Copy with no description):

The lives of two mob hit men, a boxer, a gangster’s wife, and a pair of diner bandits intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption.

DVD Upgrade: Pulp Fiction

Read All About It: Pulp Fiction Hardcover by Jason Bailey